ideal software, inc.
Ideal Software provides computer consulting, project outsourcing of Software development projects and
develops custom turnkey solutions for businesses in a variety of industries.
Our goal is simple: To provide quality software solutions, which are maintainable,
well documented and work as the user expects them to.
Current News:
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - John Scalco will be speaking at the RTP-DIG User Group at 6pm. The meeting picks up where the last meeting left off. We never got around to going through all the design patterns. Additionally, attendees wanted to see more. So, this month's meeting is essentially part 2 of Design Patterns in Delphi. Patterns covered will include the Decorator, Adapter, facade and Strategy patterns. For more information, please visit the link:
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - John Scalco will be speaking at the RTP-DIG User Group at 6pm. The meeting will include a discussion about a drag and drop component, which allows your application to send messages to a debug server, something John wrote a while ago, but has recently garnered new interest. John will also cover a handful of Design Patterns, including the Singleton pattern (as a warm up), Visitor and Observer. In a future meeting he'll cover the Decorator, Adapter, facade and Strategy patterns. For more information, please visit the link:
Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - John Scalco will be speaking at the RTP-DIG User Group at 6pm. The meeting will be held at Misys Healthcare Systems offices in Raleigh, NC. He will be giving a presentation, which will include a preview of Diamondback (the codename for the next version of Borland's Delphi development tool). It will include slides and live demonstrations of Diamondback. Highlights will include refactoring tools, unit testing, demos of cross platform code (win32 and .net platforms).
This presentation will be given at the Misys Healthcare Systems Offices in Raleigh. Address: 8529 Six Forks Rd # 300 Six forks Rd. See for directions to the meeting and additional details.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - John Scalco will be speaking at the RTP-DIG User Group at 6pm. He will be giving a presentation on Smart Clients. He'll cover what they are, why you might use them and show you what's involved in the creation of a Smart Client application. This presentation will utiliize the .NET framework and Borlnd's Delphi 8 for .NET
This presentation will be given at the the Research Triangle Institute on Cornwallis Dr in Research Triangle Park, NC See for directions to the meeting and additional details. |
Wednesday, January 7, 2004 - John Scalco will be speaking at the Triangle .Net User Groups ASP.Net SIG (special interest group). He will be giving a presentation on Web Services. This presentation will be actually more of a tutorial teaching session.
This presentation will be given at the GlaxoSmithKline building on Meridian Parkway in Research Triangle Park, NC See for directions to the SIG and additional details. |
Wednesday, January 14, 2004 - Randy Miller of Borland Software and John Scalco will be giving a presentation on the new Delphi 8 for .Net. At the Triangle .Net User Group. The session will include an overview of the product, new IDE, component development, interoperability with other .net languages, new features, backward compatibility, the new modeling tools, and, of course, demos.
This presentation will be given at the GlaxoSmithKline Burroughs Wellcome building on Cornwallis Dr in Research Triangle Park, NC See for directions and additional details.
Wednesday, January 21st, 2004 - Randy Miller of Borland Software and John Scalco will be giving a presentation to the RTP DIG (Research Triangle Delphi User Group). This will be similar in content to the previous presentation, but will be more in depth and technical. We'll look at the vcl source code and how it has changed. We'll also review what is the 'now' for .net support in the Delphi 8 for .Net.
This presentation will be given at the Research Triangle Institute in Research Triangle Park, NC on Cornwallis Drive. See for directions and additional details.
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